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  • Mediterranean Türkiye

    Paul Trail

    Saint Paul is one of the most well-known and prominent missionaries of Early Christianity, having spent much of his time in southern Anatolia. This historical cleric ensured that the teachings of the Prophet Jesus reached Anatolia from Jerusalem and the Greek and Roman civilizations of the period from Anatolia. Most of the places that St. Paul visited during all his travels and formed the first Christian communities are located within the borders of today's Türkiye.

    The St. Paul Trail follows the tracks that St. Paul used at that time. Starting from Perge Ancient City, 10 kilometers east of Antalya, the trail ends in Yalvaç, a district of Isparta, located in the north of Lake Eğirdir. St. Paul Trail also has a second branch that starts from Köprülü Canyon National Park in the northeast of Antalya. These two different branches unite in the ancient city of the island located in the Sütçüler district of Isparta.

    The length of the trekking route is about 500 kilometers. The route takes around a month to complete on average.  The route, which starts at sea level, goes above 2,000 meters altitude in some places.

    You will see many camping areas with water resources on the trail. It would be a better idea to walk this route in spring or autumn rather than in the hottest summer.

    Keep in mind that Yalvaç, where the route finishes, is one of Türkiye's 18 Cittaslow member cities. So, when you complete the route, you will find yourself in a quiet area, in an area intertwined with nature!