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  • Aegean Türkiye

    Carian Trail

    Caria was the name given to today's Muğla and its environs between the 11th and 6th centuries BCE. For many years, the Ionians and Dorians inhabited this area, leaving behind many historical sites and a cultural heritage.  The Carian Trail is an 850-kilometer-long walking trail that passes through this ancient region, taking in both historical and environmental splendour.

    In 2013, the Carian Trail was introduced to nature lovers. The route consists of four main parts, namely Bozburun Peninsula, Datça Peninsula, Gökova Bay and Inner Caria, and an additional section as Muğla Surroundings.

    The first part of the route passes through Bozburun Peninsula. Bozburun is a quiet peninsula with a population of 20 thousand in the south of Marmaris. It is famous for its gulet production, as it has sheltered coves with natural harbour features that offer favourable conditions for the production of gulets. The places where the route passes are mountainous, partly forested, partly rocky due to the steep slopes rising from the bays.

    The Datça Peninsula extends in a thin manner from east to west. Except for Datça town center, you cannot see a collective settlement on the peninsula. A large part of Datça consists of scrub and forest areas that are under protection. Mountain goats are everywhere, and they are accompanied by endemic plants. Untouched beaches and coves, which are far from settlements, are natural assets that Datça has in abundance.

    The Datça Peninsula is to the south of Gökova Bay, while the Bodrum Peninsula is to the north.  Located in the east of the Gökova Gulf, Akyaka is one 18 Cittaslow’s of Türkiye. This part of the Carian Trail starts from Akyaka. The trail passes through forested paths, climbs mountains, and crosses valleys. The trail introduces you to many untouched and less-known bays.

    The Inner Carian part of the Carian Trail passes through the shores of Lake Bafa, which was once a part of the Aegean Sea, and the foothills of Mount Latmos. The last part of the trail starts from Akyaka, proceeds through in-forest paths and village roads and proceeds towards Muğla city center.